
A department committed to the environment

million tree species


The Biomass Department is the Sugar Consortium of Industrial Companies´ (CAEI, by its Spanish acronym) division dedicated to the plantation of energy farms, which produces wood biomass for the generation of renewable energy. These farms have an area of 4,000 hectares, distributed between the communities of Los Llanos (San Pedro de Macorís), Bayaguana (Monte Plata), and San Antonio de Guerra (Santo Domingo), in the eastern region of the Dominican Republic. More than 30 million trees have been planted by this department, specifically Leucaena, Acacia and Eucalyptus, three fast-growing, high-calorie plants.

The Biomass Department’s main biofuel beneficiary is the San Pedro Bio Energy company, a cogeneration plant that uses biomass to produce electricity and steam. Through the National Interconnected Energy System (SENI, for its Spanish acronym), this power plant distributes clean energy to the distribution companies and the CAEI Sugar Factory. Currently, the area is developing a medium-term expansion plan with the aim of increasing the planted areas and the tons of high-quality biomass, always respecting the environment.