
Safety, hygiene and health

SHySO regulation

Like the other departments of the CAEI, operations in the biomass area are carried out safely, ensuring that no one suffers injuries or causes damage to the environment. The Safety, Hygiene and Occupational Health Policy and Objective (SHySO for its Spanish acronym) establishes the good practices that employees must comply with in energy farms to prevent or reduce exposure to occupational hazards and diseases related to safety conditions, the physical environment, chemical and biological contamination, and workload.

Likewise, it states the applicable legal procedures and other matters of Occupational Safety, Hygiene and Health. Finally, it describes how to take care of the facilities, maintaining order and cleanliness of the areas used during work hours, and those protection standards for open spaces such as the field, including the handling of tractors or electrical storms.

Sustainable plantations, responsible plantations

The Certificates of Plantation and Right to Cut are mechanisms defined by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Dominican Republic, in compliance with articles 157 and 159 of Law 64-00, which encourage and favor the establishment of forest plantations for harnessing and use purposes. Every year, through the Biomass Department, the CAEI requests these certificates that detail the cultivated areas, as well as the species and quantities of trees. For CAEI, these certificates and its commitment to sustainability demonstrate the responsible use of natural resources under its responsibility.

An allied department against CO2

Reforesting to preserve forests brings multiple benefits to humanity and nature, including the production of oxygen, the formation of soils and, above all, the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2). In this process, the energy forests of Eucalyptus and Leucaena play an essential role. You know why?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas that occurs naturally in the atmosphere. These gases absorb and emit radiation at certain lengths on the Earth’s surface. The increase in temperature has serious consequences for life such as the melting of glacial masses, the flooding of islands and coastal cities, more devastating hurricanes, species migration, and desertification of fertile areas.

As human activities have increased, the concentration of CO2 has also increased and, as a result, global warming reaches levels never seen before. When is CO2 emitted? Driving motor vehicles, using energy from large power plants, carrying out certain industrial processes, and so on.

Large energy farms help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as trees fix CO2 through photosynthesis, and they store carbon. During this process, plants release oxygen into the air. Each year, CAEI’s forests capture 58,000 tons of CO2.